Discover Jesus: The Quiz

Discover Jesus: The Quiz is based on the top 5 questions students have about Jesus today. It is designed to help facilitate good spiritual conversations about Jesus.

Discover Jesus the Quiz

A conversational game with 25 question cards that correlate with 5 main themes.

  • Who was Jesus and what was He about?
  • Did Jesus really exist?
  • What about all the suffering?
  • Is there an afterlife and does Jesus have a say in this?
  • What is the purpose of my life?

The cards under each of the 5 themes are the same colour.

Discover Jesus: The Quiz is part of Discover Jesus. Find out more at

It is a great way for a Christian to initiate a meaningful faith conversation with others, to uncover how each of you view Jesus and discover more about Him together. 

You put aside the 5 main theme cards and shuffle the rest.

Then you put 5 cards (one from each colour) down on a table with the questions facing upward. Ask the other person to pick the question that most resonates with them. After they have picked a card, ask why they chose that one.

After you have talked about the question, you keep their chosen card out and set the other four cards aside.

Repeat this four more times. This way you end up with just the 5 question cards they have chosen.

Now turn these 5 question cards over and look at the colour on the back. From the 5 theme cards you originally set aside, take the one that is the same colour as the most common colour on the backs of the 5 chosen cards. If there are two colours equally represented, you can take both theme cards.

Now show them the theme card, read out the text on it and talk about what could be their next step in their journey towards/with Jesus.

Each person’s choice of 5 cards will reveal the questions they connect with most in regard to Jesus. It will open up conversation about the things that interest them most about Jesus.

There are podcasts linked to each of the 5 main themes that you can also recommend.

You can use the game wherever you are. It can be done one-to-one, but also in a small group. In a group it’s best to go through this conversational game with one person at a time.

‘I really love the design of the quiz. It looks good. Also, because people self-identify as to how they view Jesus, you start off in the right place in a conversation.’

Click on the left-hand button to buy the cards.

Click on the right-hand button to learn more about Discover Jesus

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