The Word One to One

A resource that helps you and your church family introduce others to Jesus by sharing His Word with them.

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The Word One to One provides a guided read-through of John’s Gospel and Acts. Whether you choose to share using the books, the free mobile app or online, you’ll find the same simple format: the Bible text is presented verse by verse, and helpful notes explore the meaning and guide your conversation. Each series takes you through John’s Gospel and Acts in bitesize ‘episodes’ that take around 30 minutes to read and chat through. The key features of The Word One to One include:

  • A verse-by-verse layout, making the Bible text accessible for everyone
  • Maps and historical information, helping you and your reading partner understand the wider context of Jesus’ life and ministry
  • A relaxed tone, making for a relaxed and enjoyable discussion about what you’re reading
  • Helpful summaries of all the key points

The Word One to One is featured here as a recommended third-party resource. Agapé UK is not involved in the development or content of this resource.

The Word One to One is for everyday Christians in local churches who want to introduce their friends to Jesus, but don’t know where to start.

Church leaders can use The Word One to One to help their congregations gain confidence in the power of God’s Word and cultivate a culture of Bible sharing in their church context.

Using The Word One to One involves three simple steps:

  • Inviting someone to read with you.
  • Arranging to meet (in person or online), and then reading and chatting through the first episode together.
  • Finishing by asking your friend if they enjoyed it and if they would like to take a look at the next episode.

No matter who you are or what your experience is, sharing the Bible with someone is something that anyone can do and benefit from:

  • It’s relational: The Word One to One helps you develop a deep, personal and ongoing relationship as you explore the Bible with someone else.
  • It’s accessible: The Word One to One is easy to understand and simple to use, meaning that anyone can read it – even those with a basic understanding of English.
  • It’s intentional: Reading John’s Gospel verse by verse helps you and your reading partner build a bigger, fuller picture of who Jesus is.

For church leaders who want to use The Word One to One to implement a culture of Bible sharing in their church, there is a suite of free training resources and support available online to help their church family get started.

The Word One to One is best used and enjoyed one-to-one between a Christian and someone who is curious about what the Bible says.

However, many have used the resource in bigger groups and in a discipleship context with new or young believers. Others have tried it out with another Christian before inviting a friend to read with them.

‘Sharing God’s Word has liberated me in evangelism more than anything else. The Word One to One is so accessible and adaptable, and it gives you great confidence that you can share your faith with anyone!’ – Martin

‘It’s been a wonderful experience reading the Bible with others! God has been amazing in the way that, while we’ve been reading, He’s not only been working in them, but also in me.’ – Jinna

‘I think it is vital that we who lead churches are involved in the work of evangelism. I’ve certainly found The Word One to One to be a great resource in helping me – and consequently my congregation – do that.’ – Daf

You can download the mobile app for free from the Apple App Store or Google Play Store –

You can also download the online versions of the books in English and other languages for FREE at

Or you can purchase them individually or in packs:

  • The Starter Pack (which includes two copies of Books 1–3) costs £9.99
  • The Display Box Pack for your church (which includes 34 of Book 1 and a display box) costs £109.99

both available from

Click the left button below to discover the free training resources, which explain more about Bible sharing and will help you and your church family to get started.

Click the right button below to get the books.

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