A resource that enables people to share their faith, churches to do missions and groups of churches to work together.
At the core is the trypraying booklet which can be passed on to others with encouragement to try praying for a week and see what happens.

A resource being used by churches across the world. It is built around using the 7-day prayer booklet, then giving the booklet to a friend, neighbour or colleague!
It is three things: a logo, a booklet, and a project.
The logo (trypraying.)
The logo is a simple and attractive invitation for people to consider doing life with God. When it is put into the public space, with advertising and banners on churches, the invitation goes to the whole community.
The booklet.
This seven-day prayer guide helps a person begin a relationship with God. It explains the good news about Jesus and invites a person to trust Him. At the same time, it enables a person to pray about something important to them with the help of ideas and information. People have appreciated the accessible style and non-preachy tone and it has been a stimulus to their own prayer life.
There are versions of the booklet for children, youth and adults. It is also available on an app.
The project.
For a church: everyone uses the booklet themselves for one week and the following week everyone is encouraged to give it to a friend, neighbour or colleague – Use it and Lose it! Simple.
For a town/city or region: churches unite to do this together.
Trypraying is featured here as a recommended third-party resource. Agapé UK is not involved in the development or content of this resource.
It starts small, in conversations between friends or colleagues in which faith matters arise and the trypraying booklet is passed over. The recipient could be anyone who is open to the idea of giving prayer a go.
Watch this short collection of stories from people who gave it a try.
It grows bigger when a church uses this as a project in a two-week period for everyone to ‘Use it and Lose it’, stimulating lots of conversations and the sense of doing something together.
It ramps up when several churches or groups across a whole town, city or region do this together so that advertising and banners can put the logo into the public space making it a topic of conversation or curiosity.
It becomes widely known when the process is repeated every year and more and more people discover Jesus.
Personal Use
It’s about getting into conversations.
Start with your own conversation with God! Begin using the booklet yourself. Become familiar with it. Pray for your own ‘big issue’ and for others you know. Look for answers as you pray. Begin to ask God who you can pass it on to. Then pass the booklet over. Easy.
Church Use
Choose two Sundays – one to introduce this to everyone by giving them a copy of the booklet to use themselves, and the next to encourage them to give it away. (‘Use it and Lose it’.)
Get the banner to put up outside. (There’s a bundle in the trypraying shop with 100 booklets and a banner at a substantial discount. There are other resources too to help advertise it and encourage prayer.
Pray for the congregation to get into conversations to share the booklet with friends. Pray for people to discover Jesus and for good stories to come back to encourage the church.
Town & City Use
When churches work together it can enable whole towns or cities to be impacted and demonstrate unity in the gospel. It also opens up greater advertising possibilities.
The booklet can be carried with you and given away at any time – as a personal introduction and invitation to prayer, or as a reminder and help for those who do pray.
As a church or group, you might like to collectively use the 40-day prayer guide – Catching the Wave – in the run up to the whole group joining in with ‘Use it and Lose’.
As a collection of churches or groups in a town or area, you can join together in a larger, unified approach and share the message in public spaces like public transport (bus sides, train posters, ticket barriers at train stations) and digital display boards.
‘Trypraying helps a person begin a relationship with God without them realising it!’ – Nic Harding, Director of Together for the Harvest and Kairos Connexion
‘Awesome to see the bus ads again. That little booklet changed my life.’ – Rev Dave Richards, Ps & Gs Church, Edinburgh
‘By the end of the week I opened the door of my life to Jesus, as the booklet suggests. I had a powerful experience, actually feeling His presence flood my heart.’ – Angela, Leeds
‘I’ll tell you what trypraying has done for us: it’s brought the churches together.’ – Elizabeth, Peterhead
See the resources section of the trypraying website. All of the booklets can be previewed in PDF before buying. Prices vary depending on resources and quantities. There are bundle discounts too.
Click on the left-hand button below to watch what trypraying is all about:
Click on the right-hand button to see a short animation explaining how to ‘Use it and Lose it’.
Visit the trypraying website to discover more about how your church or group could use it.